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Shortfin Corvina

This species in southern California can be mistaken for the white sea bass.



Pelagic species feeds on small fish, they can grow to up to 6 feet in length.


Distinctive looking fish with sharp toxin-carrying glands on their fins.


Likes cold water, can be found in both intertidal depths and up to 1,000 feet.

Hook Up To plate up



Hook up to plate up

halibut cheeks

Halibut Cheeks Preparation

While there is more effort in pulling these scalloped sized delicacies from the fish's head, and although a small fish just legal size may not yield much meat for the effort, it is a real loss not to go after the checks in those, and especially the larger specimens, where the yield pays off in big dividends. Don't overlook halibut cheeks when filleting up your halibut catch.

Soft Shell Crab Prep

  • Remove head with cross-cut using scissors this removes the eyes and mouth parts. Remove gills the gills are found on both left and right side of the crab, to access lift lateral spine exposing gills these are long translucent filaments remove with fingers or scissors. Remove apron turn crab over, apron is typically pressed firmly against belly of crab, lift at center of body and apron will separate easily. Pull backwards and using a slight twist, remove apron.





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