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Albacore Tuna - Thunnus alalunga
(Albies, Chicken of the sea)

Image above Albacore, available from FishStockPhoto.com

Common Names:

Albacore, albacore tuna, long fins, chickens, chicken of the sea, white meat tuna.

Identifying Characteristics:

Most recognizable and distinguishable feature is the extremely elongated pectoral fins. Sleek and almost metallic looking skin. Colors range from dark black to blue on top. Sometimes a light tan or yellowish brown stripe below the dark colored top. Color fading into silvery metallic sides and belly. 3 1/2 feet and 70 pounds are upper end of common sizes.

Range and Locations:

The Atlantic and Pacific albacores are believed to be a single species found in tropical and sub tropical waters around the world. Highly migratory.

Market Forms:

Famous for being canned as 'white meat' tuna. The only tuna allowed to called white meat tuna. Sold fresh and frozen fillets.

Closing Remarks:

Strong fighters. Beautifully sleek fish. Off Southern California highly sought after.






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